I would go slowly and not purge to drastically at this stage. The situation with your body is only short term so I would be wearing of make long term decision based on how things are right now.

It it makes you feel better, do an edit and put things away, out of sight and out of mind.

I realise there are other factors to be considered but I would endeavour to book in for the surgery as soon as possible.

Hi, I am sorry to hear about this health situation. I really hope you can get your surgery ASAP.
You got great suggestions (I like the idea of boxing your most expensive items, and of an accessories refresh), but I wanted to add one more:
Go treat yourself! I mean something like - get a mani, a piedi, a long message, a face treatment, a makeup session before going out, and so on. It can do a lot to lift your spirit and put you more at peace with your body, even if it's not a long lasting solution.

Wishing you a speedy recovery. You always look incredibly stylish, it must be in your DNA, as I can not imagine you looking anything but fabulous. Comfort both before and after surgery are essential and things that raise your spirit even more so.

It's horrible being in a state of flux, as you are now. I'm sure that once you have a date for your operation you will feel more settled.
Angie and the others have given you excellent advice, so I can't really add anything, except to wish you luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery. Take care.

Una, so sorry to hear about your health concerns. Whatever you decide, I hope your surgery result is good and the recovery goes quickly.

Personally, I find it comforting to clean and organize things before going through what may be a big event, or a change in my daily routine, etc. It allows me to maintain some sense of control in my life, even if false, when I may have no control over other factors.

I have never regretted any item purged from my closet. Once it's gone, I don't think about it anymore, and so far after the appropriate season in a holding zone box, if an item wasn't retrieved, I purge it too.

It really is easier to make outfits and to define my style with fewer items: You may find this too, but the right time for a purge is up to you.

Hi Una --

First, as one abdominal-zone-pain, post-surgery woman to another, I have some advice:

start preparing mentally for needing the non-binding clothes til TBD and closet edit (remove / put in holding zone) and shop with that in mind. Whatever's uncomfortable now needs to go out of your immediate vicinity.

I had less removed than you and still it took several months for swelling to go down. That's just nature at work, really. One annoying thing is that I wore loose-at-waist pants back to work but when I sat the lower waistband hit in ways that hurt (grrr). So really knit skirts and dresses were my saviors -- despite being sick of them from so many years of pre-op wear!

Also, don't know if your op is minimally invasive (mine was) but scar tissue forms for about a year after and you may find you have pressure points that don't take to the barest restriction. I know you'll be feeling TONS better after surgery, but I'd say "shop/test run, shop/test run" for a good long time vs buying in bulk!

I'm a year-plus out and had pelvic floor PT (RECOMMEND!! start looking for a good one now!) as soon as I was cleared which helped with lots, esp adhesions, but had to go back this winter to let her have a crack at me. My spring jeans shopping was due in part to my old styles technically fitting fine but just hitting that scar tissue (again, grrrr).

Obviously YMMV with this! I will say most jeans now feel like jeggings so that's a plus hahaha -- I think I can stretch the waistband of my new ones by about 3 inches.

So: novel but I think you really have to start thinking about buying what you like for your current shape and sensibilities, knowing that this is a journey not an event.

Best wishes for getting things scheduled and moving forward!

So sorry you're having to go through all this. Life sucks sometimes.

There's some really great advice in this thread. The only thing I have to add is that if you're going to be incapacitated for a while, it would be nice to have something around you that cheers you up and makes you feel just a little bit fab. My suggestion then is that you should treat yourself to an exquisite pair of silk pyjamas.

All the best Una. We're rooting for you.

Again- am touched and enlightened by all the wisdom here. A friend and I are going to consignment and Rack to look for a couple of comfy pants and tops to get me through, and I'm just going to go into maternity mode with the idea that I will come out with a new and healthier body. So much love for all of you and the forum itself for understanding that style is still a concern when most IRL folks do not.

First off, so sorry you are going through this, but glad you have been diagnosed and the solution is in sight. Relating to your situation a bit like a c-section, meaning the advice to find a few pleasing things that don't compress your mid section in any way sounds right. And then buy shoes of course. And makeup and/or jewelry. And blur over everything in between.
I hope you manage to schedule the surgery asap and have a quick recovery!