I am going through my cold weather accessories, and in the process I'm reacquainting myself with the huge collection of vintage gloves that we're handed down from my grandmother (she was a glove buyer for Hutzler's department store long ago). These gloves are older than I am, and a number of them fit me (my sister has half of the collection as well), but many are size 6. I can get them on my hands with some work, but that doesn't make for practical wear.
Has anyone had any success with stretching leather gloves, particularly vintage ones? I might end up selling some, but there are others I would love to wear.
Just for fun, I attached pics of two tight pairs. As you can see, some of the pairs are still attached and most have never been worn!
ETA: out of curiosity, I just counted up the collection. I have about 10 pairs of my own, non-vintage. The vintage collection totals 55 pairs (which means my sister took about the same number)! About half of them are white, some are really cute and delicate. Not all my style, but really fun. I'll have to take some good pics and share.
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