Thank you Barbara Diane. Yes, there is a lot of black; there is also a lot of navy. I think it is largely a work thing I think.
Thank you Suz. For work, I really enjoy wearing:
CM striped dress and blazer
CM green knife pleated skirt
Black boat neck top, asymmetric skirt, silk statement scarf
Navy pin stripe dress
I think this is a good place to start. But I would also like to wear more trousers.
Jenn, thank you for the tip on how to record counts. I might try this. I would like to start wearing more trousers, but I find them tough to shop for. The length needs to work for both heels and flats, the need to be machine washable. I think I look better in skirts and dresses; but also easier to shop. Clearing out is emotional; I wish you well with your clear out.
Thank you Sterling.
Thank you Smittie. I didn't realise I was doing a closet edit either! Your comment on pants and sweaters is interesting. I think I find higher numbers distracting and frustrating. For work statement tops with trousers would be very welcome. Coloured / matched sets of jackets / skirts would be interesting to explore. Holes are in work trousers. For home, I would like to make the green dress more for cooler seasons.
Cardiff Girl, for casual, I tend to overlap. So I wore the mustard blouse with black jeans yesterday for dinner with friends; and yesterday I wore CM culottes with a t shirt, fake pink birdies and blush bag. Looking forward to your help!
Thank you Jenni. As Jenn says, edits = emotions! I think you are wise to say those words clothes with 'suit and love'.
Thank you Jussie. Yes, i am short of trousers. Those colours sound super. I am slightly concerned about lighter colours on my bottom half.
Jessikams, it is a good feeling. A relief actually. I have spent time studying and this feels like the thinking I should have done had I had the head space.
Sal, yes, this is it except for scarfs (10?); jeans (2); gear (10); one puffa; one outer jacket, one jumper, one top; wedding dress; ski salapettes and jacket. Yes, I think some observations would be useful over the next few weeks would be a very good thing. Great memory!
Rachylou, a lot of clearing out. Everything that didn't work. Went. Emotional! I have two pairs of jeans! Black and blue. I did have a lovely green pair, but I spilt bleach on them (sob)
Joy, thank you, I think this thinking on how to present myself, especially at home would be helpful. For casual, it is generally jeans and a blouse, but also CM striped dress, green dress, velvet skirt and t shirt.