Thinking of my days of outfit planning reminded me how I used to set up my work lunch meals for the week. I'd just make up some meal (often a tofu stirfry of some sort) then portion it out into 5 little bowls for my work lunches. Some with snacks like fruits or nuts, cause I went to the gym straight after work and didn't have dinner til 8 or 9.

But a lot of people talk about meal planning, like making these elaborate meals every day, but often as a regular rotation. Maybe it's different for me cause I'm vegetarian and don't have a big family to cook for, but it's not something I ever considered needing to do. I just keep a bunch of staples in the house, and throw them together with whatever produce is in season. Nothing takes more than about 10 minutes. I don't think I have more food waste than normal, if not less. Am I missing something?

Yay or nay to meal planning- why or why not?