I love the pattern and love the dress for you. Hope it's perfect!

Lovely dress that looks like it would be perfect on you!

The dress is beautiful. Suz. If it looks as stunning on, you will be sure to find an event to match it.

I like the printed one much better. I think the neckline might be better on you. Can't wait to see it on.

I just saw this dress which is kinda-sorta like RM dress.

Thanks, AviaMariah.

Now here is something interesting -- I see that dress as completely different from the RM. It's fit and flare vs. dropped waist. Mini vs. knee length (on me). Crew neck vs. mock neck (which, contrary to Shedev, I actually think would look great on me, but crewneck is okay too.)

To me, this one looks really young. The other one (RM) looks youthful but not trying to be a girl. And ditto the CM -- although of course it is difficult to say if it will read too young when it is on my actual self. We'll see.

I know for sure this dress (the white one) would read as WAY too young on me.