I am going to say...try on clothes in different styles that appeal to you. Look at yourself in the mirror, take selfies, and determine for yourself what you like. I think we often get caught up in finding out our *category*. What you are ultimately after is what *flatters* your shape. The best way to do that is to try stuff on and *look in the mirror* and really see what is there. Every body is different - even one body over time changes dramatically - even if you more or less fit into a sort of shape pattern, there are so many differences that one shape simply doesn't fit all. Also, the clothing recommendations based on body shape types often are targeted at a very standardized judgement of beauty; long legs, slim waist, plump bust. Not everyone cares or wants this. Decide for yourself what you like and how you want to look. Look at how clothes hang on you, and how you feel moving in them, and iterate as a response to what you learn.