I did a review of my wardrobe. This link describes the bottom half of my wardrobe. Several people reminded me to try on every garment that had been stored away during the long Summer months. I claimed I was going to do so. I did not.


Today I wore skinny red jeans to work. The jeans fit great in the waist and the hips. I felt fabulous as I ran off the work.

It has been a long time since I wore skinny jeans. I could comfortably bend my legs 135 degrees. I could bend my knees 90 degrees. They could not be bent one degree beyond 90 degrees.

I couldn't wait to get them off at the end of the day. How did I wear skinny jeans in the past? Is this a prelude to what I am going to find in the rest of my Winter closet?

Oh no!

Truthfully though, how did I wear them in the past? I certainly never considered them anything other than just "red jeans." I must have been used to their fit. They still fit great in the waist and the hips. It was just bending the knees that was uncomfortable.

This said, I am keeping them. Kinda like "sitting shoes," red jeans have a place in my wardrobe. Maybe not a full day at the office though ....