A few weeks ago, I canvassed the forum for your tips about style shifts on transitioning to grey hair. I’ve had some time to digest your ideas now, and wanted to share my own thoughts. Because I have a lot to say and lots of pictures to share, I will break it down into parts. Today, Angie’s top tips. (Yay, I have my camera back!)
Here's what Angie said:
“FWIW, my clients who transition to grey hair seem to: change their make-up routine, re-address their brow definition, add more grey to their wardrobes, and wear more colour.”
(1) Makeup & brows — As you will see from O’s recent thread, makeup is a bit of a mystery to me. I wear it, but rarely change it up much. My new trick, thanks to Angie and the forum — tightlining. I learned how to do this on the weekend. I still need a better pencil but I actually find it quite easy to manage even with the less-than-perfect one I have.
In the next few months, I also plan to (1) visit a good makeup counter for some suggestions about possible new products to try (any suggestions for who or where, in Toronto?) and (2) go and get the microblading done on my brows.
(2) Add more grey: Grey was already a major neutral in my wardrobe and will remain so. Below you can see some "before and after" outfit photos of my summer greys. Some of the befores are taken with flash and the afters are taken without, so the colour values are not identical, but you get the idea.
Grey has always been a good neutral for me. My challenge? To ensure it doesn’t depress me. In winter, especially, I live in a very grey city. Grey limestone, grey sky, grey water, grey pavement (when it isn’t snowy). I need colour to bring me joy.
Which is a nice segue to Angie’s final suggestion: (3) Wear more colour. I don't have a whole lot of vivid colour in my closet right now, but I may have to rectify that. Here are a few outfits involving colour, one in which you can compare to the way the same shirt looked when I was blonde.
Next up: Top tips from forum members, and how I see those working in my style.
My main observation is that my ultra-short silver crop both provides added boldness, and demands added boldness.
More to come and thanks for reading and any thoughts or observations you might have!
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