While watching a YouTube video on style for Kibbe types, the moderator made a remark about some types (Ex. Classics) looking their best in clothes that looked ‘new’ and used saturated vs faded colour in a garment as her example. She went on to explain that other types (Ex. Naturals) looked great in worn looks. That got me thinking about what my tolerance is for signs of age or wear in a garment, and if I would purchase a distressed garment or prefer to do the breaking in myself.

Although I have never bought a ripped or torn item, I recently chose a pair of pants in a faded colour with a frayed hem and a ‘lived in feel’ to the fabric. Previously all my jeans were brought home as dark wash, and acquired the patina of age the hard way! In 2017 I fell hard for frayed hems, and very few jeans escaped my shears! Furthermore, some of my favourite clothes are thrifted, and the crispness of any hard structure has mellowed to a softer shape (while fostered in someone else’s closet!)

I don’t like holes in garments, and my tolerance for fading in cotton knit sweaters and jersey t shirts isn’t as high as my acceptance of wear on jeans or leather items. Also, I like my footwear to look polished and in good condition. Faded canvas sneakers is okay, but scuffed leather or peeling rubber is not. Sometimes, as I fold laundry and put away my clothes, I say to myself ‘Angie would say it’s time to retire this item’, but back in the closet or drawer it goes! I do edit out the more tired looking items when I do the big annual fall edit, but in between edits I dispatch only what is truly destroyed.

So, I’m thinking that I want some ‘softness’ in my style, but since I’m not a ruffles kind of girl, nor a fan of a lot of fabric or ‘‘flowy’ looks I get the illusion of softness from faded colours and soft structure.

Does this make sense? What about you? Do you feel more yourself in gently worn clothes or do you prefer fresh and pristine? (There is no right/wrong answer, BTW!)