Love the Go Silk prints.

Late, but I really like it

Love! If you tire of the sleeves, or are unsure about them, I might consider asking a seamstress to rework them to a cap sleeve. The right angle might balance the bust better than sleeveless. So much about this top works that if you prefer a more subtle look, I might consider reworking now.

I'm late, and it looks like you've already changed your mind, but I do think it was really cute on. If you change your mind again and go for a second look, take a careful examination of whether you can move the buttons on the sleeve, without changing the overall shape of the sleeve (says the gal who moves buttons and hooks, and sometimes realizes there is now weird gaping or puckering. LOL)

Like some others mentioned I feel like this top is wearing you. I would pass.

Divided opinions, I see!

Well, it’s been hitting over 90 degrees here already, and after a few errands close to home yesterday I didn’t feel like venturing up to Baltimore, so the top is probably a moot point by now. I will be in town tomorrow so might stop by then if I’m so moved. But seeing as we are already in hot weather mode here, I’m not sure a sleeved top like this is the wisest purchase, particularly since it’s a bit on the expensive side. I’ll probably pass. But thanks for all the feedback!

At first I didn’t know if I cared for the sleeves - but the more I look at them, the more I like them! The fit looks perfect. I’d go back for it!