delurked mentioned in her NAS post that she had done some shopping for a young’un who doesn’t love shopping. I also recall other posts in which Fabbers mention shopping for a mum, or posts about sourcing something for a tall son or SO. Of course, I’ve posted some fun shopping trips with the DH and DS’s.

DH likes me to go with him when he needs stuff, and he’s okay with me picking up the occasional thing (usually golf shirts or a topper/jacket) though I make sure it can be returned. I’ve had some big shopping sessions with the DS’s, so they are capable - but they don’t shop often, and sometimes their garments can get a bit ratty looking. They are adventuresome dressers, and don’t shy away from colour or pattern. They like clothes for birthdays and Christmas, and are okay with my occasional thrifted finds. (Both wear uniforms at work - so their wardrobes are fun after work and social items.)

Do you shop for anyone else besides yourself? Are you significantly involved in determining how another dresses, or a helpmate for their style? Does anyone shop for your, and how does that go over!