Amen on the diversity. It’s nice to harmonize but singing your own tune rocks.

Love that jlpp!...."Amen on the diversity. It’s nice to harmonize but singing your own tune rocks."

I thought all the jeans looked great on you! Glad you found a pair you are happy with. I have all the same problems you do with jeans so I understand struggle.

Late to the party - life has interfered with my YLF time of late - but I vastly prefer the Frames rear view. Interesting how pocket placement/size can differ between sizes.

. Sometimes it just takes a a little at home time to make a good decision. So glad you found a great looking pair.

Really super choice of jeans. Not an easy decision, but it is good to have arrived at a clear view on what ones will work best for you.

I agree Marilyn. Jipp's words are very wise.
Thanks, Colette. It is not easy being a pear in the land of skinny jeans.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Karen. The Frames actually go with my wardrobe better. They have a warm copper stitching that will look good with my summer shoes and my fall boots.
Thank you, Jane. The SAs at the store were very patient with me. I went back 3 times to exchange my jeans. I will save everyone the details.

SF- Follow your heart, comfort level and lifestyle needs.
You will be happy all around that way.

Very true Efbgen. There is also budget to consider!

Love the Frames. Good choice.

Thanks, Angie. WIWs to follow.