I'm experiencing the same thing as last year. So far my top 3 wishlist items have already sold out before I'm allowed to shop. (I'm Influencer, can shop starting Friday). Last year the reason was limited supply but I thought Nordstrom had claimed that this year was supposed to be better on that front.
I really didn't have this experience in previous years and I don't remember these tiers. All I remember is that if you had the credit card you could start on one day and if you didn't the start time was later. Am I remembering wrongly?
I get that they are rewarding their big spenders and have every right to, but it also feels frustrating and discriminatory. It would be easier to meet those levels if you have a family to shop for, or a large budget to spend on yourself. Otherwise Nordstrom is saying you are less valued. I guess every business values big spenders more than less big, but I do most of my shopping there and still can't meet those higher tiers.
Well, I'm just griping and wondering if anyone else feels this way? I know items sometimes come back in stock, but that didn't happen last year. We'll see about this year. Meanwhile, it's just frustrating.