First of all, a happy announcement: the company I've been on contract through since mid-June invited me to interview for a full time, internal role the week I returned from my trip. I felt that my interviews went very well, and was thrilled to find out this week that I got the job! I get to stay on with one of my favorite companies and in a pretty phenomenal team, plus work a short bus ride from home and in a very cool part of the city. Such great news-I keep pinching myself!

To celebrate - and because I found what I wanted at the Rack - I picked up a Fossil watch that I've been eyeing for years. I am really not a gold person - standard gold is too yellow on me - but I've always fancied rose gold, bronze - anything a little burnished with reddish undertones. I quite like it!

I'm also wearing a cobalt pencil skirt and cobalt/black abstract patterned top, both Vince Camuto, and Dalmatian print pumps.

(Blinkin and Boo say hi. They like to use my top as a hammock.)

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