Kari you look gorgeous in these items, I also like the shirt! I must say thanks for your body positive messages too.

Love those colors on you!

Thanks Kari. Honestly your comments are so helpful. Hopefully I have never had poison eye for such things (being the owner of a magnificent rear end myself) but I can see that at certain times in my life I have..your posts will remind me to be more careful.

Thank you!

And Roxanna, I hope I didn’t come off as calling anyone out in particular - it’s just that way all over the place, not just here! It is heartening to see that some folks who wear straight sizes care enough to put a little extra thought (into the types of media they are consuming, the diversity of models or sizes of items they feature, thinking about the language they use when discussing fat or large bodies, etc.)

Not at all, Kari. I always appreciate when my mindset is widened

Kari, you look great! Love the idea of size inclusive second-hand. I am a size 16 UK myself (I am a big and tall girl), and count my self lucky when coming across vintage pieces that can fit me (I often also alter with my modest sewing skills). It can be frustrating to feel excluded from certain styles and clothes becouse of the lack of size options. Refreshing how frank and matter of fact you are about the topic. I love seeing your WIWs!