Thank you all so very much. I can't tell you how much your support and compassion have helped.
I've dreaded Shadow's death for so long, ever since she became a super-senior dog. Not that the fear got in the way of my loving or enjoying her, but still, I knew it would come sooner or later and prayed it wouldn't be painful or drawn out. I also hoped she would not be alone if something happened to her.
I will always miss her and know I will never meet another dog quite like her. She was really something special.
She had an amazing sense of humor (anyone who says dogs don't laugh never saw Shadow while we played hide and seek!) and was SO quick to learn, but she also was very much the gentle shepherd. She kept tabs on us all, making sure we were home and went to bed on time. Even after she grew very old, she followed us around the house to make sure we stayed in sight (particularly after she lost her hearing and couldn't rely on sounds to track us!) She loved men and would go all doe-eyed for B, flirting like crazy. She loved to chase us, or herd bubbles, but she was so gentle and careful with us.
I am so blessed to have had 14 and a half years with such a sweet doggy friend. No length of time could possibly been long enough to have her in my life.