I have worn my previous black one most days for several years, except for last summer, when I wore a non expandable light blue/gray one. It is looking a little battered after all that wear, but mostly in the corners in the very bottom and on the inside. I constantly put very heavy items in it, so I don't begrudge it the wear.
I love the red. My face is smiling. Now I need to decide whether I am comfortable bringing the attention to my wide frame with a bright red bag. I hadn't thought about it before. I'll put my items in it later and decide.
Despite identical construction, the inside of the red bag is not red, it is a yellowy tan to my eye, although the stitching is red. As a result, it looks less finished. However, due to the lighter color, I think it will be easier for me to locate my items inside.
Negatives I knew going in, no key ring attachment and my phone falls out of the pocket into the bag.
Pros, very light weight, strong, holds too much.