Thanks Carole, it's true that it's good to hear that other people think about it too. This Project 33 sounds good.

Thanks Aida. That's true about the layering. But that's alright, I don't want to change my style, I just want as few pieces as possible to implement it. I've taken a picture of the greens below. I can say that I almost never use the bag and the bright scarf. I've always tried to think about which colors I buy, but it seems I'm not as successfull as I thought.

Thanks Shevia.

Elle, that's so true. I have to really love an item to want to wear it again and again. Otherwise I get bored. Your capsule sounds great!

Thanks for the link, Vildy!

Harmonica, that's a truly minimalist wardrobe! Sounds great.

Manidipa, thanks for your long response! This makes totally sense. I like the idea of starting with my comfort zones to figure it out! I'll think about it. I sorted through it all yesterday and the picture #2 below was taken later on. There are still some things on the laundry rack, but that's it. This morning I looked at it and thought that I had absolutely nothing to wear! Although I only put away those items I never wore anyway.

Nadya, that's a great realisation!

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Your wardrobe looks minimal and in line with your goals to me. Nice job!

Thanks Lisa! It looks fairly nice already, I agree. I still have too many layering tops and not enough tops I can wear on their own. I think it would be interesting to count. Oh, jackets and shoes aren't there, oviously. And I have gear somewhere else and also some more things in boxes that I can't part with.

Wow Astrid, that is an incredibly neat and organized closet! I am impressed, it looks like you can very easily see everything which is a great help.

Looking at your greens, the saturated pieces all look like they would play together well. From what I can see, the tones are definitely similar enough to match however you feel like with each other. The minty scarf looks more like a spring/summer shade and the plaid a fall/winter; the rest seem all-season except the darkest piece at the bottom which seems fall/winter. I would pair these items with any of your neutrals, and also any colors that you have which are more saturated (and don't have a lot of gray or brown to them).

The two olivey pieces are definitely a different family of green as they have a lot of brown in them (I usually think of these as "muddy" colors). These look really great with neutrals (like cream!) and other colors that are equally muddy (like rusts). Mixing in less muddy shades is a bit harder, but not impossible.

The purse is a lovely yellowy-green shade! I feel like that could just go with all kind of spring/summer outfits! Would look especially cute with white/cream and denim

Thanks Aida! I hope my closet stays that way. I still have to do a count.... Thank you for your color analysis, that's so helpful! Both the minty scarf and the skirt on the right are in my holding zone right now. The scarf because it only goes with completely cool colored outfits and the fringe gets on my nerves. The skirt is really pretty, but it's hell to iron and then it's creased again after 10 minutes and it doesn't look good that way.

Great pic's Astrid! I love how you put your green items together and see that they go so well togethers. Aida did a great job on colour analysis! For the scarf and skirt, I'd be ruthless and say that you should part with them. They are annoying you in different ways, so not keepers. Better find replacements if they work well in theory (colour, shape and versatility), because they look really nice and the minty scarf is refreshing. To my eye (but I'm no expert), I can see it with *all* your green items, not only cooler colours

Nice wardrobe too!

Thanks Harmonica. I think the skirt really has to go, it's just so impractical. I thought I could try to (partly) remove the fringe from the scarf, although I'm not sure if that'll look so good. The scarf is VERY bright IRL and on me and I always feel like it needs cool colors or neutrals to not look out of place.

Some people have theories that all reds go together (blend in) and all greens go together. I can see it better with reds.

Brigette Raes suggests viewing green as a neutral and when you think about it, it seems that you can pair a dark green handbag with anything.

Also, I have had great luck trying an experiment where I tried to see how many outfits I could carry an olive bag with. Seemed like pretty much everything. Olive seems to work wherever khaki would work, treated as a neutral.

So other author had an idea that it worked to keep your wardrobe in cool tones but to add, say, a warm tone bag or other prominent piece. And vice versa. I think this work, too.

I guess it's whatever floats your own boat.

That's true Vildy. I can see that working if the greens are almost neutral, if they only a have a touch yellow or blue in them. But I personally don't like it to mix clearly warm and cool tones.

Astrid, that is a NEAT closet, every which way! I suspect once you start playing dress up, two things will happen: You'll find you do have quite a few options to wear, as opposed to nothing, even if not as many as you'd like; but you'd be closer to 'as many as you'd like' by identifying real 'holes' that much faster without the ifs and maybes and one-trick-ponies getting in the way.

I'm in the all-these-greens-should-go-together camp; just needing the right colour to bridge the more disparate shades. So maybe if you have extra time on hand some rainy day, you can put together a few combinations and post? I daresay more colour-savvy YLFers will be able to sort out what the missing element might be.