Helen - Deb has got some great comfortable shoes from Rivers - they can be a good option. I have such annoyingly problematic feet - I tried on those Ziera sandals I was keen on and even they weren't comfy! (so at least I've stopped wanting them)
Thanks for the shoe recommendations - I'll check them out (I have had a good pair of Diana Ferrai sandals in the past)
Rachylou - I've never heard of that for gifts!! (Mind you mugs are always welcome at my place as we have a high breakage rate)
Brooklyn - you give me encouragement with those examples. I had NO idea that shops like that would sell things so cheaply!
On getting somethings new now - that a couple of you suggested. Am not so keen (despite bargains) for 2 reasons - one is that buying at this point is a common factor in several of my bad purchases, the other is that it doesn't so easily fit in to the plan to buy at the beginning of a fashion cycle.
Smittie - I can NOT handle humidity! My sympathies. Our heat is dry. I did buy a couple of new kind of tee shirts this summer.
Just to add a little extra info, I wanted to say that I'm pretty much proposing more expenditure in this area! Necessary because I've only bought quite small amounts in this area
this summer (4 items)
previous summer (that was supposed to be my big restocking year for that capsule) 5
one before (3 )
One before - possibly none?