Hi friends, for those of you with wool allergies/sensitivities, I'm wondering how you tested for it (self-test or doctor?) and what you have replaced your wool items with?

For background, I have had seasonal and skin allergies/reactions for years now ... in particular the worst in facial eczema, which makes me eyes swell up, itch and peel (sorry I know that's gross), which is particularly frequent and bad in the winter.

I am not one to self-diagnose allergies and have had proper testing done which revealed cat and tree allergies (which does not explain the eczema but anyways), but not wool ... however, having spent the last week getting an eczema outbreak under control, I put on a merino sweater and immediately felt itchy, which I put down to the dry air/dry skin ... but as I was sitting I could feel the itchiness travelling up to my face and eyelids. So I am wondering if it's not an allergy but maybe it aggravates whatever causes my eczema - so if I'm having outbreaks it makes it worse?

I don't know, but I'm very annoyed as I've spend the last few seasons collecting merino sweaters to replace cotton tees and now wonder if I need to go back!! *rolls eyes to the high heavens*

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions - thank you! xx