3 weeks ago we went shopping for DD(21) for new fall clothes and came back with this mini capsule in nr. 1(+ the shirt dres in nr 4).
For your ref. she is attending now the 3rd year at the college (Phsychology) and aditionally started working half time at a big and well positioned HR company-so we wanted nicer clothes (good for the office she works in) still young and not very fussy or pretentious as she is not changing between college and work. Think we have done well!:-)

Here are some of her outfits. Skirt and dress will be mostly worn with nude or black sheers or opaques just not fully styled here but I have to say my fave is the pants outfit (nr 2).

I am not a big pattern mixer at all(neither my DD is) but I so love the floral top with the plaid pants here (but suggested nude knee highs and not sheer blacks). Chunky black cardi is furry like but knitted.

Still, no matter how I praised she is not yet confident enough wearing this one (nr 2) and so we decided to put it up here and ask/listen for your professional opinion.

Please be gentle but trully honest as we do really want to avoid any fashion faux pas here. Thanks so much for your opinion we trust and appreciate a lot!

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