Angie blog post from this weekend reminded me of a question I have had for awhile. I have seen Big Buddha bags described as eco-friendly and animal-friendly in a number of places. However, I can't seem to find any confirmation about that from the manufacturer. On their website they do say the bags are eco-friendly, but they don't explain in what way (usually companies expound on that). I have also never seen them describe their bags as animal-friendly. I have only ever seen this statement made on blogs, but again, it's always just a bare statement.

Does anyone know what materials they use to make their bags? Has anyone else been able to find some statement from the company explaining how they are animal- or eco-friendly? Or even an article that explains this at all? I don't buy leather, suede, or animal hides, so Big Buddha appeals to me, but since they never state they are animal-friendly anywhere on their site, I'm wary.