I like the idea of 10x10 and 30x30 type wardrobe challenges, but what always stymies me is this: which categories count towards your thirty? It seems like a lot of bloggers exclude things like gear and lounge wear, or else maybe they just don't wear those things?

I spend at least one full day a week in gear, and several hours a day in my lounge wear, but counting those things as part of a 30-piece capsule really eats into the total. On the other hand, if I don't count them, a 30x30 would represent a huge portion of my wardrobe during any given season. Excluding lounge, gear, and chore-clothes, I'm generally working with about 50-60 garments, and that includes footwear and accessories. 60 garments for a three-month (~90 days) season actually works out to fewer garments per day than a 30x30 challenge, which leaves me thinking these sorts of exercises aren't terribly relevant to me and my habits...