ETA: Update: I received the bag and the hardware that looked antiqued and matte in the photos is SOOOO shiny and sooo brassy IRL. (Other product photos clearly show brassy hardware, too.) I've had the bag for a couple of days trying to get my eyes used to the hardware, but it is not happening. I think the bag has to go back to Nordy's.
I've been shopping for a purse. And I am super, super picky about purses. Much poison eye, I am afraid. Everything is too little, too big, over-branded, with too many parts, too much detail, too pebbled, too shiny, too "lady", too boho, too "mom's handbag". You get the idea, I am sure.
Well, a couple of days ago, I found a purse that spoke to me. I'd been shopping Nordstrom on-line on a daily basis, skimming through the newest products, and there it was. But I couldn't quite pull the trigger because it was a little more costly than I would have liked...and the hardware is aged brass instead of aged silver. So I dithered for a couple of days. Then I made the decision to buy and I clicked the "add to cart" button and...nothing happened. So eventually I refreshed the screen...and the bag was no longer there. The other two colors were there, but not the bag I wanted. I was so distraught and called customer service and found that it had just sold out--while I was in the act of trying to purchase it!!!! Nordstrom was unable to put me on a waitlist or to wish-list it for me because the listing was inactive. I emailed the manufacturer to see if more stock was available (there was none) and I put myself on a waitlist with the manufacturer in case more product came in.
Flash forward to today and I idly click on the "Finds" link and it takes me to an active listing for the same purse! So I bought it in, like, two seconds. No messing around this time. And then I went back to the link AGAIN (because I am kind of obsessive like that) and it is back to being out-of-stock. So, I am just really, really, super happy that I checked back in and grabbed the purse while I had the chance. Now, I just hope it lives up to the hype So much shopping angst--now I remember why I don't do it so often. Sheesh.