I saw my MD a couple of months before lockdown began. One issue was pain in my upper mid-back. She gave me a print out of some exercises to try and if they didn't work, I'd do physical therapy. At first the exercises helped then pain got worse, so I stopped. I was about to get a referral when Covid lockdown began. Well, finally, in June, I started the therapy.

The problem isn't my mid-back, it's my neck and shoulders. I've learned so much. I love the therapist--she's the best I've ever had. (Other conditions now improved.) The PT said the exercises I'd been given were probably too strenuous for me. We'd work on simpler ones first.

Fabbers, I hate to say this, but I'm getting older. Bad habits, old injuries, and computers have taken their toll. I have some kyphosis, some scoliosis, and some bad posture. I didn't know I had scoliosis--I blamed the fact that my right shoulder is lower than my left on always carrying my shoulder bag on the right. This is something I've noticed in many other women--for example--walking behind women in the mall you see this frequently. The PT says the kyphosis is minimal--what a relief. At first she worried that my upper back was not flexible enough to do much with, but with her help and the massage and exercises, I'm happy to report it's helping. I didn't realize how much neck pain I had until she started twisting and turning my head. Also ROM was limited, which I did notice when driving, but I haven't been driving much in the last 1 1/2 years.

I'm not quite ready to post before and after photos, but I will in the future. I've learned to be constantly aware of my posture. Chin down and back, not jutting out, shoulders relaxed and down, not hunched up. I realize that when I get anxious I hunch my shoulders and I think that makes it worse. As the PT points out, when my upper body is aligned, the lower back is better aligned. I went to therapy with the idea that she'd also help me with sciatica, which starts with the lower back. She said let's do this first--taking care of the upper will help the lower. She's right. I have much fewer problems with sciatica now. I'm really motivated to keep it up.

I'd be interested to hear from any of you that have dealt with this.

I have a really big birthday coming up this fall. I haven't quite reconciled myself to it. A whole new era for me.