I just read Sal's post this morning and she put into words what I might have been thinking. Without being conscious of it, I had slowly begun to edit my wardrobe. I am not editing any of the 30 x 30 items, I was quite happy with them, but I am looking hard at the items that were excluded.

What was it about the excluded items that made me think they could not go the distance? There had to be a reason. I seem to be removing ~one item a week since the start of the challenge. I am dumping them because they "don't feel like me" and/or I want to move in an entirely different direction.

One thing was clear during the challenge, each participant had a clear and strong style persona. Each participant was authentic. This impressed me more than any other aspect. I began to wonder if I had a similar authenticity. I want to think I do.

I decided to rearrange my closet in terms of CLIMATE. As I discovered I lack garments suitable for deep summer for work and casual. I have a few, but not many at all (literally only a handful). I have way too many sweaters and pants for deep winter (fantasy life).

So back to pinterest. I put together the beginning of a vision board with emphasis on the fact that I now only go into the office three days a week (and one of those days is casual Friday) and I am now traveling for business about four times a year (a lot for me). I need clothing that go instantly together, are comfortable, and pack easily. No jeans.

Before I do any actual shopping, I want to flesh out my vision board some more. I want my vision board to reflect what I consider my authentic self. This means I will listen to internal voices and less to external "influencers." That means no dresses, skirts, or jeans. I admire them on other people, but I have never felt anything other than a poser in dresses. I can wear skirts but I rarely feel authentic in them either. Jeans are just too damn hot.

So how does one tune out external influences? I don't know. Sometimes their voices are so subtle you might not even realize you are being targeted. My vision board should help in that respect. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.