Star, thank you for the answer! You too find warm colors to be flattering, that is reassuring , I was completely off not knowing if warm or cool colors are better. I always thought about myself as winter, by description, but looking at the provided examples often thought I look more like spring but with dark hair , then it all got even more confusing when I saw not 4, but 12 or 16 season systems, where some summer tones looks good too.
I like both gold and silver and wear both, also pink gold.
I used to look great in optic white, and I still like it best in te mirror but not on photos. Slightly off white but on the cooler side is more forgiving on camera. Cream with a yellow hint suck all the life out of me.

Kkards, I am afraid I am a little lost right now. I am going through a major life change - changing location, lifestyle, finances, my daughters are just hitting teenage years (11 and 14), I guess I am searching for what feels like me

Angie, thank you so much !!!
Out of this exercise I feel navy is my best color too. I just thought funny how navy and ruby red are my pyjama colors, meaning they are flattering even without makeup, done hair, any accessories - doing all the work by themselves.
I am reading all about cool winter.
I think I will concentrate on getting basics in navy, and light stone mostly, then basics in dark cool brown if I find them, and very dark eggplant (realistically this will probably be the hardest color to find).
And try to mix what I have with these. Then see to expand the colors into cool bright side.

Jaime, oh thank you so much for bone structure comment, it is so nice to hear ! I start to see first evidence of my face heading south, hopefully it will hang on on my bone structure just a little longer. But well… this is not the most unpleasant thing that can happen with aging , so I won’t complaint

After reading all your responses I am sure you are a cool winter or spring.  Emphasis on cool.  When you say cream with a hint of yellow sucks the life out of you that is telling.  I too have a pinky skin that burns fairly easily.  My difference is I have blue eyes.  I too like saturated colours and not murky ones (on me).  So in a nutshell you are not strictly cool and can wear some warm colours/tones too.  Your choices going forward sound spot on.   Do look at cool brights later as I think these really make you glow.