You look beautiful, Val! Fun draping exercise, and thanks for posting
My 2 cents:
First of all, you cannot see colours in isolation, which is why this type of draping is only part of the picture, and not set in stone. Colours affect one another. So does make-up. It's a starting point at best.
Second, I like cool tones on you. By far, to my eye!
Third, I think you look better in solid navy and charcoal, than solid black. Textured black if it's solid, might be good too.
Blacks, Greys, Whites = #3 and #4 are best. I think you need a cool white and not a warm cream. So #2.
Blues = #1, #3, #5,# 7, #8, # 9 look AMAZING!
Greens = #2, #4 are fab. #5 if you wear a little make-up. You look better in blues than greens. That is typical for cool toned complexions.
Purples = ALL OF THEM. Absolute slam dunk!!! Best of all.
Red, Oranges, Yellows, Beiges = #6, #7, #14, #15, #16 are great!
#12 and #17 with some makeup.
You are a Cool Winter. No doubt in my mind, Val! We have lots of cool Winters on YLF so you're in good company.
For context, I'm a Warm Spring, so polar opposite is many cases. (My dark blonde hair is natural so not dyed, and I have green eyes). I look good in sour, acidic, clear brights. I can wear neon. But I also wear cool white and navy well. I don't wear black, grey, purples, olive, teals, greyed tones, or muddy colours. I can wear blush pink and a saturated light blue. I wear cream and tan well, and toffee is a good earth tone on my too. Chocolate I wear as a texture and pattern - not a solid.
Hope that helps!