Your daughter is beautiful.
Isn't it nice to see her dressed up?

MUCH prefer the red - #1. Sooooo elegant.

Actually I remember now the thread about finding your daughter a dress. Looks like you had success, eventually. That's interesting about her being an "old soul". My best friend's daughter is like that. My best friend is very cheerful and talkative and a bit flighty. Her 26 y old daughter is quiet, sombre and very straight laced. Your daughter may loosen up a little with time. She looks so sweet, and very demure as I said.

I like the color and drape of the red one. Love the way it fits you. I bet it looks great in motion too!

The second dress is made for your coloring. . .

I like 1 best and think it goes best with your coloring. it also looks like it would be cooler for summer.

They both look good on you, but #1 is my favorite.

They're both really pretty on you, but I vote #1.

Thanks all.

Smittie - it is nice to see her dressed up. She cares little about clothing besides comfort.

Thanks for the vote for the first one Angie. It's my plan to wear that one.

Jenni - yes, we did a bit of searching to find this dress. I think it was the pockets that sold her. Today she was in a slightly scoop necked dress and she lamented it was too low. I had her wear leggings since it was an above the knee hem, which she feels uncomfortable in. Even the regular crew neck tops she has she's complained have stretched out. I'm trying to dry them in a hot dryer to shrink them back up.

JamC - yes, the red dress is great in motion.

I really like them both on you. I think the style of the red one makes it more special looking, and it is so pretty on you. The colors of the second one are very spring-like, and I think you wear those colors well, too. But for a pretty, special-occasion dress, I would choose 1.

I like them both, difficult to choose. But maybe #1 for this particular occasion is better.

I think the palette of #2 is beautiful on you, and I think you should revisit those colors in the near future, BUT:

I love #1. That red color just glows on you, and it has a 1930's vibe than reads as timeless, to me, anyway. I love the sandals with this, but you could also go Ginger Rogers with some t-strap pumps.

if i had your awesome legs, i would wear number 2. Enjoy those great gams while you can!

Both dresses are gorgeous on you, so go with your heart.
DD looks lovely, too.

#1 all the way - gorgeous on you and timeless I think!

Both are great, but I definitely prefer #2! The length is more summery and shows off your great legs. The coloring is dynamite with your hair.

Your daughter is beautiful! If she's still shopping, I think a brighter color would be fun to try.