Astrid I got a pair of the new studs where there is a "fan" attached to the backing. It cups the bottom of the ear and looks cuff like. But the top piece is just a regular post. I think one of these newer styles would be perfect. I will try to send you some links. Rebecca Minkoff makes a cute gunmetal and rhinestone version I think. Mine are pearls, but in this style they look modern and edgy, not too classic.

Thanks! I tried to google it and I think I know what you mean. They look fierce, although maybe not for everyday wear. But for going out or a special occasion...

Found another lovely one, a silver starfish. All this looking at jewelry tempts me to get pierced again after all. Maybe I should stop looking.

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Astrid, I think it's that the stud is straight vs. curved that makes it uncomfortable.

Like you, I have scar tissue built up (got piercred by a jewelry shop with a gun, got pierced 3 times due to metal-related infection) and I also have a 2nd hole that's not supposed to be open (it's an old, old piercing that they later re-centered) but I've accidentally re-pierced it by mistakenly using that hole for earrings. Yikes!

I love those long, branch like earrings Donna posted on page 1.

Kari, that makes sense! And ouch... I had all four made with a gun in a jewelry store, I didn't know better. I luckily didn't have problems with them, I wore earrings in all of them for a while. But the first ones have healed much better in comparison to the second ones. My sister also had problems with her earrings as a child and when she wanted to try again last year I made my mum go with her to a real piercer. No problems and everything went well. I agree those earrings Donna are posted are lovely, but I can't see myself wearing them as everyday style. I need something smaller and more versatile for that. I can branch out when I have the other thing figured out I guess...

Astrid, I may be the only one with this opinion, or who does this, but I definitely think you can wear large bold earrings when you have a pixie and glasses. I have had a pixie cut and glasses of some sort for 36 years. I wear all shapes, sizes and types of earrings. Maybe it's my larger nose and long neck that makes them work, or perhaps my bigger than life personality but somehow they end up working. I pick versions that are lightweight and airy despite their size, color, design, etc. I wouldn't be afraid to experiment a bit. I like the suggestions everyone is making for you but I wouldn't give up on large and bold, I think it can be done.

I think your pixie looks great. I Stayfit's idea of experimenting. I usually do hoops or smaller dangles because my bottom holes are not level with each other at all. I feel like the longer earrings can add a bit more drama just because there's no hair background (does that make sense?)

I'm firmly in the "no dangly/large" earrings with glasses camp. When wearing my specs, I choose earrings that are almost non existent. But I really like Donna's suggestion of the longer, upward-sweep earrings. With the pixie and your youth, I think it would work to create the right edgy look, without too much competing fuss around your face.

I find I have to change my earring style whenever I get a new cut or specs.

Also want to say, please be careful if you do go the cartilige piercing route. That site is more prone to infection because there are fewer blood vessels to handle any bacteria that might form.

Thanks Staysfit and KL! I agree that it's a good idea to keep an open mind. Although all the hoops and dangly earrings I already own look off, so I do think studs or huggies/climbers are probably the way to go.

Aliona, thanks for the reminder! That's the one thing that's keeping me from doing it really, the long time it needs to heal. It seems it's usually 3 to 6 months, but sometimes even up to a year.

So I had another look at Etsy and found a shop that sells climbers made out of titanium that are also affordable. And it's European, so no super long shipping times. I'm thinking of ordering these seagulls - totally love them.

In silver, not in blue.


I placed an order! Could take a bit, until I have them I'll stop looking elsewhere. Keep your fingers crossed they're going to work out like I imagine it!

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Very cool! What color did you order?

Silver - I want them to go with everything and I usually wear silver jewelry.

I haven't read all comments but I'm interested to note that so of our short haired girls who wear glasses don't wear "noticeable" earrings. I am the opposite. Since going short (and I wear glasses at work while reading or on the computer) I have been more adventurous with my earrings where they have almost become part of my signature.

I love ones that drop (not huge in size tho), adore a large stud, and for the first time now wear a lovely wide silver hoop earring. I think they are all quite minimal on styling but definitely noticeable.

Yes, it is interesting - I agree. Maybe it has also to do with our personal style? I think you have such an edgy, minimal and modern look (not forgetting hair cut and color!) that a pair of earrings can't really turn the vibe into dangerous territory.

Dear Astrid
Here in Aus we have a style of hoop earrings called Huggies, because they hug your ear lobe.
Perhaps something like this would be suitable for your needs.
Best wishes

Oops . . . so sorry, I've just noticed someone else has already mentioned Huggies.

I like your choice of the seagulls, Astrid! Please do a post when they arrive!

Thanks for the suggestion, Denise! Doesn't matter if there's repetition - especially in a thread as long as this.

Aliona, I will post some pics.