I'm having such a hard time finding petite dresses (besides at the regular stores like Loft, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic). They are really hit and miss for me.

I'm almost 5 feet and weigh around 100 pounds. I'm in my fifties, so I guess I would be referred to as "mature." I'm looking for dresses that aren't really short (to the knee or just below is great) and not too long because that style always overwhelms my frame.

I'm a little early (the event will be held in June), I know, but I'll be in search of a dress to wear to a semi-formal (not looking for a gown) but a dress that isn't a jersey-type material either. I need something in between. In the past I have worn a skirt and blouse, but I'd really like to wear a dress. I'm hoping that one or a few of you would know of other clothing manufacturers, stores, boutiques, etc., that would be good resources.
