I own a CG trillium not a Dawson. I think the Dawson might be constructed for a click more extreme weather than mine (tek4 vs tek 5?).
Looks like I wore it 65 times since I bought it in mid-November last year and I expect it will get similar use for years to come. I live in NH, run cold, spend a fair amount of time with my kids outside in slow/low movement conditions and in sometimes brushy conditions, and I walk daily. We went out even when the windchill was -30F. I love the coat and have no regrets other than I might have gone with a different color. I have found the construction to be very helpful in keeping the cold out (for example, the long wrist cuffs prevent wind from going inside, the zippers are covered and well protected plus I can undo from the bottom to regulate my temp, and the ruff was extremely useful in blustery conditions).
After searching for a few years and considering my needs (which were less fashion related and more my-daily-life related), the main contenders were an LLBean parka and this CG trillium. I've tried on other parkas through the years too. I wore both the CG and the LL Bean parkas inside my house for a 1/2 hour to check how warm I'd be with typical fall clothing. I started to overheat in the CG almost immediately, but I was fine in the LLBean for almost the whole time. It was clear to me that the CF worked better for me.
I would think about what conditions you need it for and the amount of time you'll spend in them, plus your need to layer for your daily life. For example, I often layer heavily in the wintertime at home and wearing the CG on top for a typical winter day would be too much (but great on a frigid day). But if just have light layers, like a buttondown and light sweater, it works just fine in regular winter weather.
I would also think about the length of the jacket. Even with the CG I need to think about my legs in super cold conditions.