Here's the run down on what I ordered. I couldn't resist the leopard jacket and hope it's an indoor jacket. That's really what I need more than anything else. I'm not sure if the peplum in the back is going to be too much for me but figured I'd give it a try anyway. Sizing on Zella is hit or miss with me but thought the tights would be fun lounge wear. The Bobeau wrap blouse isn't NAS but I have the burgundy print and it ticks off all of the boxes for work so duplicated in the black/white print.
Here's what's under consideration (but not ordered): The Levi olive topper. Angie's comment about it being a good sub for a denim jacket piqued my interest. Missed out on the FP Moss pullover but I may try to stalk it or try the pink. Love the Kut from the Kloth draped jacket but it's sold out. I tried last years version in two sizes but the collar was too bulky for my liking. This one looks perfect. If only it was in stock! Leaning toward the burgundy but not ruling out the taupe.
Just wanted to add that I love seeing everyone's posts!
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