You inspire me to bring on the brights with your colour-on-colour outfits.

I also really like your needlepoint pillows.
Sam is a cutie too

Lots of love for the palette. I'm surprised!

Thank you ALL for the awfully kind words. They help and are much appreciated. Sam and I are blushing.....

Sal, it's stressful being CEO. Lots of paid playtime...

Slimcat, they ARE more slim than skinny - you are right!

Peggy, Lisa P and Smittie, Sam did the Yorkie needlepoint. Not my thing

Carla and bonnie, happy dance!

Suntiger, the palette made me think of you....

Suz, Jaime, Mtnsofthemoon, you are most gracious ladies.

Christina F, good to see you chime in! HANG IN THERE.

What a happy outfit! Is Sam looking at something on your phone? Our dog watches TV once in a while. Small dogs are really tuned in.