This is a fashion hack I developed for myself recently, that might be useful for some, but not for all. That is because some people are able to make wise dressing choices all the time, and some of us are not.

I have a category of clothes that I call, "oops, I shouldn't have worn this," as in: I shouldn't have left the house in this. These clothes are not traditional lounge wear or tattered stuff that never leaves the house, but they are clothes I like that for whatever reason, should NOT leave the house.

Some examples are: a great, current fashion t-shirt someone put in the free pile at work, that I love, but should NOT wear to work, for obvious reasons. A flattering white tank top that's a hit if not for the fact that it's graying. And on and on. People like me forget this stuff when we're dressing, and maybe go out in one of these faux pas.

So I put a box in my drawer for "oops, I shouldn't have worn this" clothes. Now I have a strong visual reminder for myself that these are great clothes, just not for every scenario.

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