So I don't like jeans. I feel denim is too rough against my skin. I have one pair of jeans that must be over 10 years old by now. Three or four years into them, they got a hole in the knee, so I patched them and only wore them for gardening.

The ripped knee worsened beyond repair, and now they have to be the holiest jeans in the world. I still wear them for yardwork, but because of the holes, they are too fragile to be washed. I don't think they have been washed for 5 years.

I have decided I want a pair of jeans that can be thrown in the washer. But I would still only wear them for yardwork...which is maybe 2-3 hours a week 4-5 months of the year.

I feel weird buying something that will immediately be dirtied and perhaps even torn. I am not sure what kind of jeans to buy (inexpensive, certainly) or how to approach this conundrum.

What would you do?