Not needing any advice just sharing. I’m on my third pair of Skechers since 2010. The 2010 ones have been machine washed since were used for gardening, and are now going in the “clothing bin”. The 2019 ones have been machine washed and demoted to gardening after 340 wears. The new June 2024 ones are almost identical to the 2019 ones and had their 11th wear today! They fit me so well, are really comfortable and I like how they are all black, no white soles. I think they look nice with my casual pants for non-work days for granddaughter care or casual weekends. (Pic 1, new on left, old on right.)
The failure is some 2017 Django and Juliette (Australian brand) tall boots. They are leather and I paid $270NZ for them. I got them because I had had my favourite tall black boots (Minx, NZ brand) since 2011 and when I had fallen once by slipping on a friend’s scarf two buttons on one of those had got a bit scratched. Although I feel now no-one but me would notice that. Pic 2, scratched buttons.
So I wore the new ones enthusiastically for a year or two but I had had to have the calf stretched a bit, and they were never quite as comfy as the old ones. They had only had 10 wears when I sort of “went off” tall boots maybe 2019? I don’t know why, maybe because I don’t wear dresses much?
So this year I pulled them out to wear with a woollen winter dress to a dinner out. And the back thinner leather is all pulled away! I think it looks awful!
Pics 3-5 pulled away bits. Pic 6 of the boots in general with the nice rose design.
I will put them in a “clothing bin” also.
The 2011 ones will stay. 66 wears and still good.
I feel 11 wears of $270 boots a very poor return Did I make it happen by getting them stretched or by leaving them unworn for too long?

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