Sterling, were they the same Pikolino boots? They work for higher volume feet. My clients prove it.
That said, Janet is dead right. High volume refers to foot DEPTH too - not just the width of your foot. So the height of your instep and slope of your arch. (Instep is the TOP vamp of your foot. So the height of your foot when you stand). The higher your instep, the harder it is to fit your foot into a slip-on style. You need a zipper to create extra width and height to get it on. You also need room in the vamp.
One reason you love sneakers is because they work very well for high volume feet. They are wide, roomy toe box, and the height is high, which you can further adjust with laces - or there's an elastic insert.
Low volume feet are the opposite. Narrow, very low instep and arch. Flat and pointy. Like mine. Sneakers and sandals are hard to fit unless they are a narrow size.
Sterling, lastly, the foot volume runs on a continuum. So there are degrees of low and high volume. You can be a combination of both. Hope that makes more sense.