I became a veteran today...and have been reflecting on my style journey...

A few years ago, I would watch episodes of “What not to Wear” with my daughter – and I found myself secretly wishing that Jen would submit my name to Stacy and Clinton for a styling intervention. Over time, I had totally lost interest in fashion and the way I dressed and the state of my wardrobe reflected this. My clothes were hopelessly outdated – Jen would often remark (accompanied by an eye-roll) “just because you can still get into it…doesn’t mean you should.”

Well neither Jen nor anyone else submitted my name – but I managed to engineer my own intervention. I discovered the YLF web site summer 2011. I lurked for a year avidly reading the posts and absorbing Angie’s and all YLF posters collective wisdom. I set a goal that I would get out of lurk mode and begin actively participating by my first year anniversary.

What I’ve learned since coming out of hiding, is that YLF is a wonderfully supportive and inclusive community. And although it would be nice to have the cash that comes from an appearance on WNTW – it’s been far more empowering to learn step by step how to style myself. And did I mention fun? I’m having a blast just getting dressed each day!
A big thank you to Angie, Greg, Inge and all you fab members!