I'm holding this blog personally responsible for the money I've spent in the past 2 weeks! I've even directed my husband to it, silently pointing to the computer anytime he looks at our visa statement. I went back to Nordstroms yesterday, this after having visited the store more times in the past 2 weeks than in the 3 years it's been open! I went back under the guise of top shopping because I really lack tops, it's hard to dress plus size on top! Anyways, I'd picked this up 3 times before, patted it with longing and then put it back but I finally bought it today, an early birthday gift to myself? I'm telling myself it's a classic that I'll have for a long time.... That's my story and I'm sticking to it. On a side note, I'm still looking for tops to flatter my plus sized double D frame, anyone have any great finds?

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