I'm a bag person, and just personally, I don't do monogram bags....anyone's monogram or logo bags. Whole Foods is lucky I'm not offended by their logo on my grocery bag I don't do MKs, I don't do CC's, I don't do LV's. I need for my bag not to be a blatant adversisement for any company. I believe if a bag is quality, it speaks for itself without logos, blingy tags or giant locks.
I'm even more offended by the prices that some designers put on their bags (WHY are you locking up your PVC totes??). In my mind, I feel like it implies there is value and self worth to be had in acquiring what has to be kept under lock and key. Which we all know isn't true, but look how many people fall for it.
It's all about the psychology of supply, demand, greed and need. People want what is denied to them even more.
I personally am a stickler for quality, I don't go for the most big name brand bags because of that. I need my bags to last for years and years, have the ability to go on closet hiatus and come back in 5-10 years when the fashion rolls back around. The older I get, the more I'm into supporting small leather makers who actually DO hand make their bags and care about quality, customer satisfaction etc. I like knowing I'm going to have to wait a little bit until they can source the leather again, or the guy who does zippers is on vacation and production is delayed. It keeps me from being a throw-away consumer buying throw-away bags I guess.