Around 1990 I spent what at the time seemed like an obscene amount of money on a Banana Republic white linen safari jacket and skirt. I felt fantastic every time I wore it, especially with boots and a silky goldenrod blouse. I felt like I was channeling Isak Dineson and ready to shoot down rhinos or wayward professors (I was academic staff at the time).

I tried to find a photo of it. Instead I found a catalog collection on the inter webs from before and right after the Gap bought the brand. Some of those clothes are timeless, like the equestrian outfit Angie showed a while ago.

It's so memorable because it was one of the first outfits that ever felt that way for me (I was in my late 20s-a very slow bloomer). But it was a mystery as to why. One thing I'm learning from you all at YLF is that feeling about outfits can be nurtured and cultivated.

Do you have nostalgia for a long-retired outfit and does it inform the items you would wear today?