Funny...Janet used the peacock scarf in one of her very early posts. There's not much helpful info in this post from 2011, but I thought you might like to see what she did with it.

A few more capsule posts that might be helpful too.

This is one for Spring, and perhaps not "your" colours, but the description of the components, styles of clothing items and how to wear everything together might spark new ideas.

One for casual wear, but again, you could replace with dressier versions of each item.

An older one, but contains a treasure trove of ideas

Alison has also done quite a bit with capsule wardrobes involving pattern and color.

Agreeing- the dress is certainly something I would consider on days with no meetings, or after you’ve already made first impressions. If Germany is as conservative as you’ve indicated, it’s probably a touch short for interviews. But, it fits well, and looks great with your hair!

One thing I’ve tried to do recently is look at the shape I’m drawn to, and see if that leads to different clothing directions,

For example, if I’m inspired by a floral scarf, I’d look for clothing with more drape and texture, and accessories that are either organic in shape or follow a more rounded direction.

If I’m thinking more angular, I’d look more at stripes or color blocking, more structured pieces and look for jewelry that is also more linear.

This probably doesn’t work if your style is more maximal, but it’s helped me think about how different pieces fit into my wardrobe, and how to be more cohesive in my approach.

Others have given great advice. I perused a bit online and came up with these pages, which might prove helpful to you:

The first link probably has a lot of pieces that are too over-the-top for work, but the concept often holds. For instance, the first item (patent leather pants) could be boiled down to pants with an interesting texture. It could be faux leather, coated denim, corduroy, velvet, etc.

I woke up to such a wealth of links! Thank you Inge and Gigi! Going through those will keep me busy for a while.

Gretchen, those are the kind of translations I need to think about as I take “me” to a different setting. Thanks for getting me started.

That scarf has such rich colors i mentally stuck it in my own closet:) Another option could be to make that the darkest element of the outfit, with whites, lighter blues, and taupe. Or softer heathered versions of the darker tones, since muting colors makes them appear cooler toned.

I'd most likely wear it with greens, petroleum blue, navy, and other classic peacock colors. But I'm not going to get it at that price, and even if the price drops, I don't know if the shape is right for me. I have a giant square plaid scarf that I love; this one is 2.5x long as it is wide.

I like long scarves like that, they just seem less bulky and easier to pair with things. I tried Katerina-ing a small scarf today, but its feeling fussy Eventually ill reevaluate my scarves!
And yep, thats a pricy peacock, so not coming home with me either.
Just remembered, RamblingAnn had a capsule based around peacock a while back that was nice.