Hi, I used to be more active on the forum, but it's been so long I had to join again. This is kind of a weird post for me to write. I just got my breast implants taken out yesterday, and am trying to figure out how I will dress my newish body. I'm 54 and a rectangle. I always felt very boyish growing up, so I've tended wear skirts a lot and drapy feminine items. I had the implants for 28 years and became accustomed to minimize them.) I'm nervous about how to dress now, and since I had my daughter 12 years ago, started wearing a lot of Eileen Fisher because it's "easy" to wear and easy to launder. My shoulder are a sloping, so a lot of the EF just hangs on me. If I could wear Giranimals, I probably would. Anyway, I've rejoined, and am also starting up again in Imogen Lamport's 7 steps program. Thanks for reading.