I’ve lost some weight recently due to increased physical activity and better eating habits since a significant improvement in my mental health. I’m currently somewhere in between an XS/XXS (0/00, 32/34, etc) The problem is I’m already naturally very small so my weight, (combined with some hair loss and pre-tied headscarf addiction) has drawn some negative comments and speculation from relatives and acquaintances, mostly online. Ironically, these people had absolutely nothing to say when I was actually sick and practically disappeared from social media. My real friends and “family” (mostly unrelated by blood but beloved regardless) know me well enough to see that I’m on the mend and encourage me to keep on posting photos and wearing the skimpy, form fitting clothes I love and resist the urge to hide behind these new baggy, oversized trends (and possibly sink back into depression by doing so). Luckily, I made a bulk purchase of high waisted skinny fit pants in every fabric, wash, color and print imaginable. This was a few years ago when mom jeans started to become popular and I sensed a shift towards looser fitting pants in general. I plan on another (size-updated) shopping spree asap… for the sake of my sanity. Wish me luck!