Today Queen, now Princess, Beatrix abdicated, handed down the crown to Kin Willem Alexander.
Picture 1: the new King and his Queen Maxima during the 2nd ceremony of today, in the church. The king is wearing the same coat as Willem I, II, III, Wilhelmina, Juliana and Beatrix wore. Maxima is wearing a dress by Dutch designer Jan Taminiau (picture 2).
In picture 3 you can see the lovely young princesses.
Earlier today, the offical abdication took place in the Palace on the Dam. In Picture 4 you see the royal family on the balcony.
Picture 5 is then Queen Beatrix, signing the documents. At the moment she finished her signature, she became princess and her son became King and her granddaughter became Princess of Orange.
Picture 6 shows the Queen, the Prince of Orange and princess Maxima yesterday just before the farewell banquet that Beatrix offered the most distinguished guests.

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