I love your story and necklace! I think this might be it if someone is still looking for it:


and in pink, which I love: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-AN.....919wt_1175

WELL thanks also to IK, Soobee Makrame, and Jem who commented while I was commenting! Thanks ladies

Makrame, how fun to get to help restyle a mannequin! I bet you did a smashing job!

Jem, yep those look just like mine! I bet the pink is fun in the sun. Prices look about right, too.

Love this Aida! I'm glad you grabbed that necklace because it's perfect for you! Can't wait to see more outfits with this necklace!

I definitely would strip a mannequin if it was the last item left. I did that once at Macy's (had to ask the SA for help)--it was for a faux leopard coat, the only one in my size (I had checked their online stock and drove all the way into the city for it). Unfortunately after all that, I ended up having to return it after DH hated it. However, once I was at H&M looking for the floral pants (actually I was checking for Una) and the only one they had was on a mannequin. I was just checking the size tag when a SA came and snapped at me, "You can't have those! Those are the last ones and they're on hold already". Sheesh! Backing away slowly with my hands up...

WOW! That necklace is FANTASTIC!!

I have purchased a scarf I grabbed from a mannequin, and my Desigual party dress was also purchased after it turned out the only one in my size in the store was on the mannequin. The SA was happy to take it off the mannequin and let me try it on and buy it!

It's not really easy to get pants off full (esp. old fashioned) mannis but nor impossible and I think the "corporate" rule was an excuse Zap - esp for GAP where they have high turn and encourage turn. There are always substitutes.
I just asked my DH (he used to work work visual at GAP) and he called BS (his term) on that store.

It's totally easy to pull accessories and even tops off so please strip those mannis I would ask for help or expect hep to come running with taking clothes because those displays are easy to break and could hurt if they fall on you....

I want to see the necklace in action too - had to run off earlier so forgot to say that!

What a lovely necklace and interesting story! In the past, I have been asked by salespeople several times if they can offer me the size that is on mannequin. I can't wait to see how you style this beauty.

Great story and fabulous necklace! I normally ask salespeople if something on the mannequin is available in the store and they always strip the mannequin if they don't have it elsewhere. I once bought a skirt off the mannequin because it was the last one available in a small size.

Good insider info there Christianne. I am thinking it was laziness. Rather sad because I never saw the striped shirt again. BR did not refuse, but requested I ask next time. I guess H&M is different since it was the window display.
I think I need to be sneakier next time.

Chiming in late to say FAB necklace and now I must go peek at my store just in case they have one.
I did Visual merchandising and it's true it's a pain to undo something, but the point of putting it out there is to sell it. If they are so worried about corporate they have noone with any vision of their own to redress the mannequin (in hopes to sell out another set of items) Corporate would likely be happy they had been so successful in their merchandising as to sell something out. I agree with Christianne's DH - BS on all of them who won't let you have it. I always ask first, but would definitely cause a fuss if they said no I could not have it.

love this necklace! cant wait to see how you wear it, and how awesome it will look styled. i love the mannequin story... i would have never thought to do this! I typically dont take that small of a size for clothing so i have never considered it i suppose, but those "ladies" could be hogging up all the best accessories! When I lived in a different town 10 years ago had a friend who liked to look nice but felt totally not up to mixing items herself so she would buy the outfits on the mannequin (or the identical off the rack) and hang them that way in her closet never to be remixed ever! She always looked great and it worked for her... i have never heard of anyone else who does that to the extreme though.

OMG. I can imagine mannequins around the country being stripped by empowered YLF shoppers Hilarious! I love that necklace, Aida, and tried it on in store a while back. It reminds me of big Chiclets!

Love the necklace! I've never thought of stripping a mannequin.

Thanks everyone for sharing your mannequin stripping stories both good and bad, and especially to Christieanne and JJ for the insider scoop! Sounds like overall most stores are accommodating to us stripping their mannequins and that the most proper protocol would be to ask for assistance, especially if it's clothing we're after. I will say that I'm not-so-secretly glad I didn't ask in this case because, well, I would have been mightily crushed if they'd said no

Zap, I hope you have better luck with future stripping missions! ^^

Sarah A, I've heard that there are ladies who do that but haven't ever known any myself. If it works for her, more power to her! I know there are also people that will buy separates, come up with the outfit they wish to wear it in, and then hang that full outfit up in their closet. I would be very intrigued to see one of those closets!

Laura, hah! That does paint a very amusing picture, I would imagine on meetup shopping trips those poor mannequins won't even know what hit 'em And YES about the Chiclets! My sis immediately commented that she wanted to eat my necklace when she saw it, and now that makes a lot more sense!

Fab new necklace and a great shopping tip too!