Hi guys, I have not been around much at all because I have been really limiting my shopping. In fact, I've been delving into minimalism and working hard on blogging which has been really great for me and my family. This has been a good year for us. But I really need help and I know that you guys are just the group to ask!
I have three kids (twins age 10 plus 5 year old) and C-sections for all three so I have never returned to pre-kid shape but I was able to lose the weight after the pregnancies and go back to my normal size which is 5'6", about 125-130lbs.
I have dealt with anxiety for years and over the last 2 years have finally been able to get it under control with meds and lifestyle changes (minimalism has been hugely helpful). The big problem is, my weight has continued to go up so that I am now at 160 lbs. Still flat chested and just look very overweight for my small frame. Big thighs, big belly, still size A bra. I have talked to my doc, am switching meds and trying to get back to more regular exercise. It's frustrating because dietary changes don't seem to help and even when restricting I am barely able to maintain. I'm constantly in fear that people will ask if I am pregnant, because I look it. In the past I've been pretty happy with myself, just not really giving it much thought and relatively content. Now I feel extremely self conscious and I just don't know how to flatter this new *awkward* shape. I keep trying on clothes that fit but look like maternity on me and I'm freaking out a little. Summer is here in the deep South and every day I am struggling to find something comfortable that is not a tent. I feel like most of my friends who are *not skinny* have a more proportionate figure. My dang boobs just won't gain any of the weight making me look so awkward. UGH.
So, I have pared and pared down my wardrobe and am so very much enjoying the smaller selection but for summer I have almost NOTHING and it is HOT. In the fall/winter I was able to do loose tops and layers and leggings and for summer I am just at a loss. PLEASE HELP. Especially with styles that might be more flattering. I would so much appreciate any advice and/or commiseration. I can post pics if I must *shudder* but I think you guys get the idea. Looking 13 weeks pregnant, small chest, cringe on face, still wearing winter wardrobe.