Hi everyone! I need some advice. I have the opportunity to go to an event in a couple of weeks and since it is a combination of things I need advice on what to wear.

I have the opportunity to go to a welcome home party for a military medic who has been in Afghanistan for 7 months. Normally I would opt for a nice trouser and top BUT this welcome home party will be held at our local horse racing track during their night races for the fall meet. So what do I wear? I am not sure if a hat is needed at the races during the fall meet but I can look into that.

My sister took my two go to coats tonight as we found out that they no longer fit me so I know I'll be hunting for a new coat or I'll be wearing the coat in pic #1 I am thinking one of my three pair of boots will be called into service but other than that I am unable to shape an outfit....

I love the style of the Duchess of Cambridge but I am unsure if something like pic #2 is really doable for this event...please help

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