Hi, all -- this will be my last NAS post for a few days. As soon as I'm able I will show you stylings of the things I chose and add more photos. For now, since some of you asked, a description of the in-store process.
Anyone who's had the pleasure of meeting Angie knows she is an organized, efficient, and extremely upbeat person who does not waste a minute! She planned it all down to the last detail so that in the moment I was only conscious of having fun and getting a real jumpstart on my fall wardrobe.
In advance, she asked me for a list of things I was NOT looking for. I gave her that, along with a smaller list of items I really wanted or needed, if the sale goddesses deigned to provide. We agreed that we wouldn't look at active wear, undies, accessories (beyond bags and footwear) etc. because I felt I could spend the time with her more productively on core wardrobe items and she agreed. But some clients do ask for assistance in those areas and she does provide it.
She didn't exactly pre-select items specifically for me...but considering that our tastes do overlap and knows that, she kindly kept some of her own purchases in the dressing room for me to look at and suggested try-ons, particularly of those items that had already sold out. That was very helpful, because at least I got a sense of fit and proportion and could guesstimate what size I might need in the item, should I want it and should it come back into stock.
Once we'd looked at those things, she spirited me around the store, so fast I hardly dared to blink because whenever I did, I lost sight of her! The other shoppers must have got a kick out of her fluting voice calling "Suz! Suz! Over here!" every couple of minutes.
Shadowing us was a lovely young woman who took things back to the dressing room almost as quickly as we could collect them. As you saw from the photos, we did many try-ons of toppers and sweaters right there on the floor. If something felt good and seemed good in the mirror, we'd take it back to the dressing room to compare it later with other items (and with proper layers beneath in the case of jackets and coats.)
We travelled floor by floor -- the pricier items first (though several that had appealed to me were already gone in my size or in any size!); the mid-range and "cheap as chips" items next, and then coats. Finally, once we'd scoured the cordoned off sale areas for anything that could potentially work, we headed back to the dressing room for some serious analysis and consideration.
At first I wondered how I'd ever choose, because we'd liked so much of what we saw on the floor. But in the end, it was a snap. Angie's such a pro at this and can see right away if something has potential. She's also intuitive and quickly grasps if it isn't quite where the client wants to go (even if the client isn't sure one way or another, LOL.)
It probably helps that we've known each other on the forum for years and she's seen so many photos of my outfits and has read about my lifestyle and therefore knows my needs and constraints. But I suspect she's a quick study, regardless.
There were a few items that we both liked but that I left, mainly for reasons of practicality, not being sure it would work for lifestyle/ climate etc. or just not liking it quite as much as something else. And there were a couple that she thought could work and that looked good but that didn't feel to me as if they fit right. But for the most part we agreed on everything and she never pushed me to buy more for the sake of buying more or to take an item that would be a duplicate of something I already have, or to take a pricey item if a less expensive one would fill the need, etc. I felt thoroughly spoiled and supported.
While we pondered, we sipped on tea and water, and every now and again, Angie would check the forum or dash out for a different top for me to pair with the bottoms, or our helpful assistant would come to take away our rejects.
Overall, I found that I was more selective during this in-person shop than I am when I shop online. Because I was able to compare right then and there, I had no problems whatever deciding between this good thing and that even better thing, and I am pretty sure I purchased less than I might have if I'd bought online. Meanwhile, I feel more confident and comfortable with what I got and won't face the minor hassle of returns.
I will still do an order for my basics online and might order the things I couldn't find in store if they happen to restock or I might visit my Canadian store to explore the offerings -- but even if none of that works out, I feel as if I had a fabulous NAS with the items I got and also feel more set for fall than I have ever felt before! It was so fun to load up on new bottoms and some fresh red boots and plaid! There is a strong 80s retro feel to several of the items I bought and I'm going with it. Maybe it's a sign I need to revisit that time in my creative work, too, or take some inspiration from it in some way. Fun to ponder.
There's something so deeply satisfying in watching a person do the work they are made for. To be a part of that process, to be immersed in it with the professional at work, is even better.
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